Monday, March 26, 2007

Hello there again - I'm afraid I'm just rubbish at updating this - I should set myself a reminder or something suitable!!

Anyway - what's happened lately? Well I'm still in Blackpool 3 days a week, nothing much has changed there. Jack is still at school, although we are preparing ourselves for the Easter break (2 weeks 2 days - do they do any learning these days?!?). Mark is doing OK, although he fell through a roof a couple of weeks ago - but he's survived that one!

Been making more cards, and I have decided to branch out into scrapbooking - they make great gifts, so I'll se how I get on - I might even let you see some of my attempts!

Anyway - that's it for today.....maybe I'll get back in less than the 7 months it took me last time :-)

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